Home Assistance

Home Assistance

Access to Home Assistance for 24-hour emergency services

Assistance with:

  1. Air conditioning issue
  2. Plumbing issue
  3. Electrical issue
  4. Refrigerator/freezer/heater issue
  5. Animal invasion
  6. Spare house keys
  7. Spare car keys (delivery of spare house keys within 20 km. radius or lifting/towing to garage within 20 km. radius)
  8. Emergency accommodation (standard accommodation for 1 night within budget of 2,000 Baht)
  1. Applicable to holders of home insurance policy with sum insured of 1 million Baht or above
  2. The 24-hour home assistance is limited to 2 times a year
  3. Service is within the limit of 2,000 Baht including 24-hour service fee and spare parts
  4. Service details depend on selected insurance (please refer to the attachment of your policy)
  5. Terms and conditions as designated by the company.
  1. Call AWP Services (Thailand) at Tel. 0-2305-8404
  2. Indicate your policy number
  3. Indicate your issue