Compulsory Motor Insurance

  • Protect all victims from the car accident either driver, passengers, or pedestrians.
  • Coverage includes bodily injury to driver, passengers and third party from accident that the insured car involves in.  This excludes own damage and property damage to third party.

As mandated by law, all vehicles registered with the Department of Land Transportation must have insurance to provide indemnity* and maximum compensation** to victims of the accident.

After an accident, the company will pay the claims as part of indemnity without waiting for proof of guilt.  Claims payment include:

  • Medical expense of no higher than 30,000 Baht for any treatment at any hospital.
  • Compensation of 35,000 Baht for disability/dismemberment (dismemberment includes loss of organ e.g. finger, and mental impact e.g. post-accident trauma leading to being unable to work) or funeral expense in case of death.
  • Total sum of primary indemnity does not exceed 65,000 Baht.

If the Insured is proven to be at fault, the following maximum compensation will be made:

  • Up to 80,000 Baht in case of injury (bodily and mentally)
  • 500,000 Baht in case of death or permanent disability

*Indemnity means compensation for loss of life and bodily injury to victims of the accident that insured car is involved in

**Maximum compensation (inclusive of primary indemnity) means indemnity for loss of life and bodily injury of victims from accident that the insured car is involved in.  

  • Conditions are as specified in the policy.
  • This is an unspecific document, not benefit illustrations. Interested person should study details of the insurance policy thoroughly before applying.

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Coverage by Allianz Ayudhya General Insurance Public Company Limited