Nursing Care Service

Nursing Care Service

Allianz Ayudhya wants you to receive professional ongoing care as if you are in the hospital, so you will have no more worries about self-care while ensuring that you truly rest to recover with free palliative care* from our nursing care service.
Services by 4 types of nursing personnel.
Comfort throughout recovery and the time needed for care.
A clear service schedule.
*Palliative care means care for a chronic patient through providing support to ensure that the patient has comfort and good quality of life through a process to prevent and alleviate suffering, covering physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects. The criteria for a patient to be assessed to be in this stage is when a doctor diagnoses that the patient has an incurable disease and that the symptoms will only continue to gradually worsen over time.
  • We offer you comfort after leaving a hospital through the professionals that we provide for you. They include 4 different types of nursing personnel, namely, professional nurses, nursing assistants, physical therapists and general caregivers who are trained in patient care to ensure that you can rest comfortably throughout your recovery. This is because you will receive care according to your doctor’s prescription without shortcomings, from cleaning of surgical wound at risk of developing infections to physical movement assistance and care in taking medications according to the doctor’s prescription and tube feeding or use of various medical devices, not to mention physical therapy care and service during recovery. Services are provided by Kronus Solutions (Thailand)* Co., Ltd. (“My Nurz”) who have extensive expertise and experience in Thailand and abroad. 
Highlights Nursing Care Service
  • We provide service through 4 types of nursing personnel who are certified according to standards, namely, professional nurses, nursing assistants, physical therapists and general caregivers who are trained in patient care. 
  • Have comfort throughout your recovery and the time that you require care. You or someone you love will receive care and physical rehabilitation strictly according to the doctor’s prescription with services covering cleaning of surgical wounds at risk of developing infection, physical movement assistance, care and assistance in taking medications according to the doctor’s prescription, tube feeding and use of medical devices, including physical therapy. • 
  • Have a clear care service schedule according to dates and times appointed in advance. You will receive ongoing care after leaving the hospital with your recovery care service lasting up to 7 days per inpatient recovery, and for palliative care, you receive up to 14 days of ongoing care (1 time throughout the entire duration of coverage) with services provided from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.


*Kronus Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (“My Nurz”) is your care service provider during your recovery after leaving the hospital. The company has extensive expertise and experience in Thailand and abroad.

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  • My Health Plus Double Care Health Insurance (HSMHPDC)
  • My Health Plus Double Care Health Insurance_UDR (HSDC_UDR)
  • SabaiKapao Health Insurance (HSMHPSK)
  • My Health Plus Ultra Health Insurance (HSMHPU/HSMHPU_S)
  • Health Insurance Platinum Plan (80MB) (HSMFCP_S)
  • Health Insurance Beyond Platinum Plan (100MB) (HSMFCB_S)
  • My First Class Health Insurance @BDMS-Platinum Plan (60MB) (HSMFCP_S)
  • My First Class Health Insurance @BDMS – Beyond Platinum Plan (120MB) (HSMFCB_S)
  • HS Health Insurance (HS_S)
  • My First Class Health Insurance @BDMS (HSMFCP, HSMFCB)
  • Lump Sum Health Insurance for Kids (HSMMK, HSMMK_S) 
  • Worry Free Health Insurance for Children (HSMKC) 
  • My Health Plus Extra Health Insurance (HSMHPE)
  • My Health Plus Health Insurance (HSMHP) 
  • Health Coverage Rider (HSS)   
  • Inpatient Health Coverage Rider (Sor and HSA) 
  • Premier Inpatient Ayudhya Care Rider (HSP)
  • Inpatient Ayudhya Care Rider (HSPS)
  • Extra Benefits Health Coverage Rider (HSC, HSCS)
  • Group Health Coverage Rider with Added Medical Treatment Benefits for Deadly Diseases (GHSH_U)
  • Group Easy Health Coverage Rider (GHSE)
  • Group Daily Medical Treatment Coverage Rider (GHB)
  • Happy Health Group Health Coverage Rider (GHSH)
  • Happy Health Group Health Coverage Rider (with initial liability) (GHSH_D)
  • Group Special Daily Medical Treatment Coverage Rider (GHBP)
  • Group Accident Coverage and Medical Treatment Coverage Rider (GAME)
  • Group Multiplied Daily Medical Treatment Coverage Rider (GHBT)
  • Group Accident Coverage and Daily Compensation Coverage Rider (GAHB)
  • Group Accident Coverage and Broken Bone Rider Endorsement (GEABB)
  • Krungsri Health Insurance Luxury Health (HSECA/HSECB)
    (Service is available only for the Exclusive Care Health Coverage Plan 1 and Plan 2 Rider.)
  • Krungsri Health Insurance Tamjai
    (Service is available only for Lump Sum Customizable Health Coverage Rider (HSN).)
  • HS Health Coverage Rider (HS_S)
  • Health Coverage Rider (HSS)    
  • Krungsri Lump Sum Health (HSEASY)
    (The name of the rider specified in the insurance policy is Easy Health Coverage Rider.)
  • Krungsri Good Health Package
    (Service is available only for Easy Plus Health Coverage Rider (HSEASYP).)
  • Medicare Health Coverage Rider (HSMD).
This is because this special service is a marketing campaign aimed to be delivered to insured persons in certain types of health insurance plans via agency, BANCA and DM channels.


This is a special service available only to customers who have specified insurance plans with Allianz Ayudhya and who undergoes inpatient treatment for a minimum of 2 nights in cases of surgery, ICU recovery or inpatient treatment for heart disease, thrombotic or embolic stroke, spinal disease, bone disease, bone fractures and cancer without requiring approval for compensation by Allianz Ayudhya.

The insured will receive an SMS to notify them of their rights when they have certain health insurance plans (according to the list of products that fit the requirements for nursing care service) and have spent at least 2 nights to recover in a hospital. The insured person will receive an SMS after leaving the hospital without requiring compensation approval. 
No. This is because major surgeries that do not require inpatient treatment and day cases are surgeries that make use of modern medical procedures whose fast recovery makes it unnecessary to stay in the hospital or to receive additional or extra care after surgery. Therefore, nursing care service does not cover these surgeries. 

No. There might be a misunderstanding. We would like to clarify that the maximum number of times that the insured can use all the services is no more than 14 days per inpatient treatment, and each service can only be used once per day.


The following are details a bout ongoing nursing care service after hospital discharge:

Nursing care service is sub-divided into 4 services
This depends on the symptoms and needs of the insured. Kronus Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (“My Nurz”) will choose a plan for the insured. For example, it could be a plan in which a licensed nurse is assigned or a plan in which a nursing assistant is assigned to provide care, and this includes the number of times that each of the aforementioned personnel provide care service to the insured. Allianz Ayudhya is not the party that makes decisions in this case.
Yes. The insured can make contact to request for services at the My Nurz Customer Care Center by dialing 02-113-5688. The insured is personally responsible for the additional service fees that are subject to agreements made with Kronus Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (“My Nurz”).
The service provided by each of the personnel will take place from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm only. 
If the insured is residing at a place that is not their home but a regular place of residence or if the insured is living with the insured’s relatives and the address is located in Thailand, then the answer is yes. 
Presently, there is no schedule for halting this service. In case of future changes, the company will notify you at a later date.
No. Because the nursing care service is an extra service without charge, it cannot be converted into monetary payments.

Yes. However, there might be some expenses that the insured has to directly pay such as these:

  1. Medical device fees such as a vital signs monitor (pulse, blood pressure and temperature), braces, wheelchair for the insured, oxygen supply equipment, etc., including medical supplies such as cotton, gauzes and injection needles, etc.
  2. Travel fees for going to doctors’ appointments.
  3. Other expenses beyond the benefits stated in the benefits table for nursing care service. 

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Symptoms of the Insured Scope of Service
  • General wound-dressing without risk for infection.
  • Ostomy bag cleaning.
  • Tube feeding.
  • Wound-dressing. 
  • Bathing.
  • Feeding, including tube feeding. 
  • Preparation of prescribed medications. 
  • Ostomy bag cleaning. 
  • Bowel movement care. 
  • Physical movement assistance. 

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Symptoms of the Insured Scope of Service
  • Large wound-dressing with risk of infection. 
  • Need for procedure such as administering of drugs/nutrients via saline tube, urinary catheter replacement, etc. 
  • Need for use of medical device such as an oxygen machine, mucus suction machine, etc. 
  • Need for physical check-up or recording of important information for medical treatment. 
  • The patient requires symptom monitoring. 

They perform the same responsibilities as nursing assistants with additional care in:

  • Preliminary check-ups, information recording and health evaluation. 
  • Care for urinary catheter and ostomy bag, feeding tube replacements, tube tie replacements, breathing tubes, breathing tube interior cleaning and administering of drugs/nutrients via saline tube.

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Symptoms of the Insured Scope of Service
  • Need for muscle rehabilitation after injury or surgery to restore normal physical movement. 
  • Surgery due to muscle injury or bone-related surgery. 
  • Balance, walking, standing or sitting problems.

Therapy involving body movements or activities, exercise and additional treatment such as massages to build strength and alleviate symptoms of back pain after illness, injury or surgery.

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Symptoms of the Insured Scope of Service
  • Need for physical movement assistance. 
  • Inability to care for or clean beddings, or personal belongings, or to use the bathroom or to change one’s own clothes. 
  • Inability to personally prepare food. 
  • Inability to wash personal utensils. 
  • Unable to eat without assistance or requirement for someone to assist while eating.
  • Food preparation for the insured. 
  • Feeding and reminders to take medication. 
  • Bathing and changing. 
  • Bowel movement care. 
  • Laundry service for the insured. 
  • House cleaning in the area used by the insured. 
  • Physical movement assistance.
There are none. This is because the service is provided outside of the hospital or clinic and is available only to people residing in Thailand.


However, the insured will have to give a response to confirm service within 30 days after leaving the hospital and use the service within 7 days after the insured has confirmed the nursing care service plan with Kronus Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd (“My Nurz”).

Kronus Solutions (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (“My Nurz”) is a company that prioritizes and promotes good quality of life in elderly people, patients and chronic disease patients to enable them to live appropriate lives according to their status. The company is a post-hospital-discharge nursing care service provider that has expertise in this type of service and extensive experience in Thailand and abroad. My Nurz serves every province in Thailand and 12 cities in Indonesia.

The insured can directly contact the Allianz Ayudhya Customer Care Center:

  • Monday-Friday during business hours from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm: Tel.: 02-232-9170. 
  • Saturday-Sunday and holidays and outside of business hours: Tel.: 1373.

  “per inpatient treatment”
appears in the table showing the details for “nursing care service after hospital discharge” as shown in the documents received by the insured. It shows the maximum number of times the insured can receive service from personnel after each time the insured is discharged from the hospital, if the hospital discharge meets the criteria for receiving nursing care service rights